About Us

At AA Transportation Solutions, we are dedicated to redefining luxury travel. With a legacy spanning over 50 years, our journey began in 1985 with a single limousine and a vision to provide unparalleled transportation experiences. Led by the visionary CEO Avraham (Avi) Mazouz and guided by the strategic acumen of Avraham (Avi) Schwarcz, our team brings a wealth of expertise from luxury hospitality and transportation. Our commitment to excellence, inclusivity, and safety has elevated us to a prominent position in the industry. Through our user-friendly online platform, we offer convenient access to our premium transportation services for various occasions, from airport transfers to corporate events and special celebrations. Choose AA Transportation Solutions for a journey that embodies comfort, style, and reliability.

Our Journey

For over five decades, AA Transportation Solutions has consistently set the gold standard in luxury transportation. Founded by Avraham (Avi) Mazouz in 1985, our journey is one of continuous growth, evolution, and an unwavering dedication to delivering exceptional service. What began with a single limousine has flourished into a fleet of state-of-the-art vehicles, guided by the visionary leadership of Avi Mazouz. Supported by the strategic expertise of Avraham (Avi) Schwarcz, who brought his insights from the luxury hotel industry to the transportation world, our team has effectively managed major events and international missions, solidifying our reputation for reliability and excellence. Demonstrating our commitment to inclusivity, safety, and customer satisfaction, we offer specialized vehicles for passengers with disabilities, adhering to the highest industry standards. As you navigate our website, you will discover our legacy of service, unwavering focus on customer satisfaction, and our relentless pursuit of excellence. Embark on a redefined luxury experience – welcome to AA Transportation Solutions.”